Get down to our sports store in Bryanston – 3 Cross Place – Corner of William Nicol Drive and Main Road – to see the latest and greatest hockey equipment!
You’ll see the best sticks, protection, hockey footwear and goalie protection from brands like Adidas, Voodoo, Gryphon, Osaka, Obo and more…
You can test each hockey stick in our testing area to help you choose the hockey stick that suits you best, and will help you perform at your best!
If you need help figuring out what size you are and what kind of hockey stick you need… read the section below on ‘how to choose your hockey stick’… hopefully will help!
How To Choose Your Hockey Stick Measure your height to see what size you are! > What weight and size suits you? Junior sticks are normally a standard weight for each size, but when you move into the senior sticks you have a choice. Most senior hockey sticks are made in either Light or Medium, with Heavy being an option that is rarely available nowadays. Attacking players generally like playing with light sticks for quick maneuvering in the circle, while defenders generally like playing with slightly heavier sticks for powerful clearing hits and more confidence in defence. Choose a stick that “feels” right, no matter what it weighs. > What head shape suits you? Midi: This shape is not as common anymore with hockey brands, and only bottom range wooden sticks might have this head shape. Maxi: A combination of the midi and hook shape. Has an excellent hitting sweet spot, also good for drag flick skills. Hook: The U shaped head design provides the ultimate in stopping potential and gives the player excellent reverse stick control. Used for goalkeeper sticks. > Flexibility or Stiffness? Flexible sticks absorb shock and are more suited to entry-level or novice players. They also tend to be more durable than stiffer sticks. Stiffer sticks would be used by intermediate or advanced players for increased power. Nowadays with composite stick technology, manufacturers add different materials to reinforce the stick and increase it’s durability or strength, and thus promote either flexibility or stiffness. Carbon/Graphite: Very effective stiffening material. Used to increase stiffness in the stick and thus promote powerful hitting. Kevlar/Aramide: Adds strength to the stick and lessens shock, but still gives a smooth feel and flexibility. Fibreglass: Basic reinforcement to prevent wear and increase strength and durability. Dyneema: Added to the base of the shaft for impact resistance. > Which brand? Try a couple of different sticks that feel good. With so many outstanding brands on the market, decisions based on what it looks like, who uses it and how many times you see it advertised won’t help you when you are out in the middle. Find the one that works for you. However, brand loyalty and past success help your confidence, and that’s more important than nearly all other aspects. |